Thursday, October 28, 2010

Evil or Misunderstood?

I think that Frankenstein is the most misunderstood, because he is not evil, and cannot even compare to other villans and monsters. He is more so intimidating, than he is evil. Frankenstein is extremely large, slow, and has speaks quite slowly, so people do not exactly understand what hes trying to say or do, which is the number one reason he is misunderstood. Frankenstein is a gentle, caring and loving creature that would only harm another, is he was in some sort of danger.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasures.

Your assignment:  Everyone has guilty pleasures -- things they enjoy doing or watching that they feel a little embarrassed or bashful about.  For some it's a television show like Survivor or Glee.  For others it's a particular song or an activity like karaoke.  Write about your own guilty pleasure explaining the conflict you feel.  Try to convey the feeling you get from the activity in a way that will make others experience it.  One last note:  Keep this one appropriate folks.

A guilty pleasure that I have would be smoking cigarettes because although it is a bad habbit, and a hard one to quit at that, I also have the feeling of wanting to quit. Some of it comes from not wanting certain family to find out, and also not being able to quit when I want.

Assignment #1

Blog Assignment #1
You have the ability to transport yourself to any historical event and take part. Describe that event, the role you played in it, and how it impacted history.  Your involvement may either change our history or explain why our world is the way it is today.

March of 1876 was when I had first come up with the idea to transport speach through a handheld, it was a long shot but i had to try. I had a accomplice to help me but it was only for the extra ideas of  how to accompllish this task. It took quite a few years, but after it was all said and done I was somewhat proud of myself. People now had the choice to telephone eachother at any time, instead of having to walk or send letters in the mail. back and forth. It has impacted the world in both good ways, and bad ways. Since the telephone was invented, people have started buisneses that try to lure people into winning vacations and trips, as well as "prank" calls and invasions of privacy. On the other hand, the telephone has been a great contribution to elderly people, and people in need of help, in an emergency.